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On this category, I post various HowTo articles and setup tutorials for different FOS Sofwares.

During my spare time, I learn how to install everything, from any Linux-based applications to server apps which are intended for Cloud VPS operation. Once learned… I document it, write the guide and post it on this section of the site.

This site also serve as my personal reference site, I tend to forget how I setup something, especially when haven’t used it for a while. So I resort to my own blog post and read my own guide to install an App.

I work as part-time virtual tech assistant on various Freelancing web site and that would mean that I have real-world experience in setting up sever applications or FOSS. This would mean that I’ve handled several Cloud VPS and other Linux-based softwares, in a professional level. And yes, I am a self-taught tech dude as mentioned in my About Chubbable’s page, and I am making small money off of it. I setup and configure servers for production environment, and whatever I learned and experienced from it shall be shared and posted on this Blog.

How To Set Your Globe Broadband Aztech DSL5001EN Modem In Bridge Mode

Globe Broadband Aztech DSL5001EN Modem Bridge Mode

In this guide, I will show you how to configure your Aztech DSL5001EN Modem+Router in bridge-mode, so you could integrate it with other routers like Linksys or DD-WRT flashed routers. You might probably ask… Why would I do that, the Aztech router already has a built-in router? Why still do this?